Make It Yours 🪡

We think that the most thoughtful of things are those with intention weaved in 🧵 When we personalize our belongings, through letters, fonts, colors, and symbols, we establish an identity and create a personal connection with our things.

Make It Yours.

Customize your Spacetastic with our easy-to-use,
live simulation, product personalizer. 
  • Step 1

    On the product page, choose which SET or ITEM you'd like to customize.

    Once chosen, click the MAKE IT YOURS 🪡 button.

    The button will become available if it's enabled on that product.

    A video tutorial / walkthrough is also available at the bottom of this page.
  • Step 2

    Read the Make It Yours info page by clicking the link.
    Once finished, click 'DONE READING, I'M NOW AN EXPERT 🤓' checkbox. This signifies that you have read and understood our embroidery system.
  • Step 3

    Choose a location for your embroidery.
    All packing cubes and cascading toiletry kits allow for center embroidery.

    At this time, only CHEVRON, DUO, WEAVE, SHIMMER & GIO can have bottom right embroidery.

    Prices are as indicated on the checkbox.
  • Step 4

    Choose your font size.

    Please note that the simulator does not reflect the actual size. 😅 For now, choose based on preference or go old-school with a ruler!
    Check our size guide or message us via our socials or live chat (under the Customer Care menu) for recommendations.
  • Step 5

    Once you've selected your embroidery location and font size, the option to add initials will appear. Simply enter your name or initials in the provided textbox.
    Please note, the character limit is 8. but feel free to use just 1, 2 or 3 characters if you'd prefer to showcase only your initials.
  • Step 6

    See your name appear on the
    live simulation as you type and edit your name or initials.

    The photo appears on the upper portion of the screen on mobile or on top of the photo carousel on desktop.
  • Step 7

    After choosing your name or initials, select from over 25 available fonts. The live preview will update to reflect your choice, so you can experiment with different options.
  • Step 8

    Add the final touch, color! Choose a color from over 45 options available. Hover over each color to see its code (S1 - S45).
    You can also check the thread color photos below for a reference.
  • Step 9

    Review all your selections to ensure every option is chosen and the boxes are checked. You won't be able to click the 'CHECKOUT' button until all choices are complete. Once you're ready, click 'ADD TO CART' and proceed to checkout.
  • Notes / Terms & Conditions

    1. Repeat the process for each custom item you'd like to personalize. If you're ordering 5 different gifts, you'll need to go through the customization for each one (please don’t just increase the quantity). For bulk orders over 10 pieces or if you need assistance, feel free to message us.
    2. If you want to cancel the customization process, click the 'Remove' button above. If you made a mistake after adding to the cart, click the 'X' on the item and start over.
    3. Please note, the font size for utility kits will automatically be one size smaller, regardless of your selection. This is due to the size of the utility kit. All other items in your set will be as selected.
  • 4. Discounts only apply to the product itself and not the Make It Yours service.
    5. The Make It Yours fee will appear as Php 500 or Php 900 (per piece) on the checkout page, depending on your selection. This is due to the app we use for customization.

    6. To download your custom embroidery preview, click the preview link at the bottom of each item on your Cart or Checkout page.

    7. You can add a Gift Bag and type a custom gift card message in the NOTE BOX on the Cart or Checkout page.
    8. For mixed caps, we recommend a minimum font size of 0.60 inches, as 0.50 inches may be too small. For Packing Cubes, we suggest a font size of 0.60 or 0.75 inches.
  • 9. For names or initials longer than 4 letters, we recommend center embroidery for a more balanced and proportional final look.
    10. If you order sets with different embroidery lead times, your order will follow the longer lead time. For example, if one set has a leadtime of 3-5 business days (Center embroidery) and another has a leadtime of 7 business days (Bottom Right embroidery), your order will be processed in 7 days. Any items ready earlier will be shipped out immediately.

    11. Due to the custom nature of our products, we cannot accept returns nor exchanges for embroidered items. All orders placed are final, and no changes can be made once submitted.
  • 12. You can add Wingdings symbols, but they are limited to the following options:

    ✿ Black Florette
    ✾ Six Petalled Black & White Florette
    ❋ Heavy Asterisk
    ✼ Open Center Asterisk
    ✢ Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
    ☘ Shamrock
    ✺ Sixteen Point Asterisk
    ✥ Four Club Spoked Asterisk
    ✤ Heavy four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
    ❊ Six Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
    ✣ Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
    ⚜ Fleur-De-Lis
    ⚘ Flower
    ☘ Shamrock
    ⁕ Flower Punctuation Mark
    ❉ Eight Balloon - Spoked Asterisk
    ❈ Heavy Sparkle
    ❃ Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk
    ❁ Eight Petalled Black Florette
    ❀ White Florette

    Scroll down for a larger photo of the Wingdings.
    Copy and paste the symbol you want into the box where you type your initials or name.

Video Tutorial

  • Threads on light background

  • Threads on dark background